
"Like" it? I love it!

How I love an innovative Canadian company that has a heart for those less fortunate.

Here's one such company. It's called ONS Gear. Based out of Ottawa, these smarty pants make some of the most ingenious onesies, socks and mittens (etc...) I've ever seen. And they don't stop there.

ONS Gear is donating a slew of Onesie Stretch-ONS to Mothercraft Ottawa, a non-profit organization which supplies programs and services to parents with infants and young children. And you can help. Simply visit ONS Gear on Facebook and "Like" their page. For every new "Like" in the month of October, they'll donate a onesie. Simple!

So not only do these great onesies stretch to high heaven, but this winter they'll be warming the bodies of some babies who need a little extra help staying warm. To put it the way ONS puts it:
"[A] recent study found that one in five Canadian mothers are struggling just to provide diapers for their babies". Together, we can help some of those new moms out...keeping [babies] warm this winter with an extra layer of clothing. You can help by asking your friends to "Like" ONS GEAR.

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