I purposed, before the birth of my daughter, to be the kind of mom I'd long wanted to be. At all costs. Unbeknownst to her, my daughter had thrown me a challenge. I needed to use my God-given talents and life's passions to be productive while still working around her needs and her schedule. Here are some daily adventures and small successes.


Facebook Timeline Covers - Montreal's South Shore photographer

Facebook's what-now hoozits?

If you have switched over to the new Facebook Timeline (more deets here), you'll have noticed the fab place to show off a photo: the Cover.

Here's some exciting news for all my 2011 clients.

Custom Facebook Covers using pics from your session. Here's a peek...

Want one? Just ask. No charge. I just love ya.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Nice photograph!! Reminds my childhood. Wanna see some more.
    I also found some interesting timeline covers on timelinecover.co

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.



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