I purposed, before the birth of my daughter, to be the kind of mom I'd long wanted to be. At all costs. Unbeknownst to her, my daughter had thrown me a challenge. I needed to use my God-given talents and life's passions to be productive while still working around her needs and her schedule. Here are some daily adventures and small successes.


Mother's Day, this time last year - Montreal's South Shore family photographer

Next week is a very busy week. Between 40 and 50 moms, and their kiddies, of course.

I honestly can't remember if this will mark my 7th or 8th year of photographing the beautiful new mommies of L'Envol. I'm sure if I rifled through my stuff, I would have my answer. Years of capturing the connection between mother and child. Years of shy smiles and grateful moms.

2013 looked like this:

Check out L'Envol for yourself, and find out how it's making a difference in your community.


  1. Tu es ma photographe préférée et merci pour tout ce que tu fait c'est magique xoxo

  2. J'adore ton travail :) cela fait 3 ans que tu photographie ma fille et moi, et a chaque foit c'est un beau moment de plaisir et de très beau résultat ! Thank you very much ♡♡♡



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