I purposed, before the birth of my daughter, to be the kind of mom I'd long wanted to be. At all costs. Unbeknownst to her, my daughter had thrown me a challenge. I needed to use my God-given talents and life's passions to be productive while still working around her needs and her schedule. Here are some daily adventures and small successes.


Loving the H&M collection - Montreal's South Shore children's photographer

Trending: ticking, navy, brights, and shabby chic floral prints. H&M hit it right on the money.

The looks this season are timeless, which bodes well for anyone aiming to have photos done. I know, there's nothing better than looking back on the photos of ourselves wearing neon yellow and acid wash and laughing hysterically. But don't you wish you had just one or two captured childhood moments you could display oh-so proudly?


  1. Uh, no. I still cringe when I look at my teenage fashion sense....and the braces didn't help, either....



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