I purposed, before the birth of my daughter, to be the kind of mom I'd long wanted to be. At all costs. Unbeknownst to her, my daughter had thrown me a challenge. I needed to use my God-given talents and life's passions to be productive while still working around her needs and her schedule. Here are some daily adventures and small successes.


What seems to be turning into an annual tradition - Montreal's South Shore child photographer

These pics have been under wraps for a little while now. Again this year, we got the grandkids together to gift photos to my mom (AKA Grand-maman, AKA Kamou) for Christmas.

The first post of 2013 goes to these beloved faces...

Early October lent us a gorgeous, slightly chilly (oh-how-i-miss-that-weather-right-now) morning. Equipped with my grandfather's old electrician's stepladder, we headed out to this Brossard field and went to work. My sister outnumbers four to one, so to make light work of it, she selected a colour palette of brown, cream, and denim. Her kids were dressed, and mine followed easily. Love this year's shots. And so did my mom.

I managed to sneak her composite picture frame off the wall while she wasn't paying attention (no easy task), switch out the old photos for the new, wrap the entire frame, and slap a bow on it. I then hung it back in its place on the wall. Two days before Christmas. I think its the most tempted my mom has even been to peek in before Christmas. Hee hee!

Since my sister was along for this session, I had her grab my camera and snap a few of my lil one and me. The above shot being my fave.

Happy 2013 to all of you. May this year be full of reaching for your dreams, and dreaming up some more.

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