I purposed, before the birth of my daughter, to be the kind of mom I'd long wanted to be. At all costs. Unbeknownst to her, my daughter had thrown me a challenge. I needed to use my God-given talents and life's passions to be productive while still working around her needs and her schedule. Here are some daily adventures and small successes.


Third wheel - Montreal's South Shore Family Photographer

In other words, what a lovely tricycle they'd now make. (Never did get why 'third wheel' was such an unfavorable title. What about 'third nostril'? Or 'third salad server'? Now we've got a real problem.)

But I digress. Right, where was I? Oh, yes...here:

Oh, and a peek at their complimentary Facebook Timeline Cover (get yours, too!)...

*select elements used in the design of the above graphic credited to Favreau Designs, Donna Engebretson Designs, and Creashens.


  1. too much! the ones of baby-in-basket are so fantastic.

  2. Love them!! Basket ones are my favorites too:)

  3. Basket ones are really nice.Would luv this idea for Jerren.



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